GEOVIA Surpac modelling software in mining course

Context of the Course

The software package Surpac is one of the world’s most popular geology and mine planning software, supporting open pit and underground operations and exploration projects. It is widely used by mining companies in Fennoscandia and worldwide. Exposure and basic competence in this software package are important factors that will help geology and mining engineering students to find their first employment after graduation.

Target of the course is to teach basics of GEOVIA Surpac software, and give an idea of different tasks, phases and methods involved in geological modelling and mine design. The course includes lectures and exercises done with Surpac. The course will provide users with understanding of how software tools can be applied to perform common geological and engineering tasks. The course covers following topics among others: drillhole data and database, solid modelling, geostatistics, blockmodeling, pit optimisation and open pit design.

Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students should have fundamental understanding of the geological modelling and mine design using GEOVIA Surpac software.

Jukka-Pekka Ranta



  • Petteri Somervuori (WSP Finland)
  • Hanna Mönkkönen (WSP Finland)


  • online

Target audience

  • MSc students, PhD students, junior exploration geologists